March 28-30th, 2025

25hr 4-Beat Rocket TT w/Marcus Veda

Letná Studio

What is 4-beat?

Born out of the Rocket Yoga system, 4-Beat is a dynamic vinyasa flow style on its way to becoming one of the most popular classes in London. The core of the practice is the alignment of the breath to the slow, regular beat of the music. The core of the practice is the alignment of the breath to the slow, regular beat of the music. 

Focusing the mind and the breath on a 4-Beat count holds the concentration to a single, unwavering point, immersing the practitioner in a state of synchronous moving meditation. 

The two main sequences are based on the arc of the (ashtanga-inspired) Rocket Yoga system, designed to energetically take you up and then bring you back down to a calmer place than you started from.  Inversions and arm balances feature throughout, but the breath always comes before the difficulty of the pose.

The training

Join 4-Beat creator Marcus Veda, with assistance from Nino Russo, on this three day, 25 hour teacher training. You'll discover exactly how the energetic arc of the practice is designed to take you up to a higher place and then bring you back down to a calmer one than you started from. 

This TT will cover the two main sequences from the perspective of the practitioner as well as the teacher:

1. Hip Focus (flexion🧊) 

2. Backarches (extension🔥)

Mixing traditional Iyengar and Ashtanga alignment and principles with techniques from different movement modalities, you will try some fresh approaches to your favourite Rocket inversions plus some new transitions and arm balance variations incorporated from Capoeira and Bambu Bodies.  

You will learn: 

  • The philosophy of 4-Beat methodology & sequencing and its origins in the Rocket Yoga system.

  • How to use music to enhance the yoga practice (and your teaching) and how you can affect mood, focus and the moving meditation by using the beat to teach and practice to.

  • How to incorporate teaching to the beat into any other sequence/style of yoga you want to teach. 

  • How to teach, hands on assist and improve your own understanding and experience of the key poses from the basic to the difficult.

  • About the 4 main families of poses (flexion/extension/open/closed hips) and how they relate to a new way of activated manual assisting. 

  • How to make the sequences work For beginners to frequent flyers, injuries, all abilities, ages and levels of experience. Choose how “up” or “down” the class is without changing the sequence.

  • How to work inversions, new hand balance variations and trickier transitions into your own practice and how to teach them to your students.

  • Just breathe in ... one, two, three, four .... and breathe out ... one, two, three, four. 

Who is this training for?

Teachers & Students alike, who are looking to deepen their practice and enhance their teaching.

  • What if I attended last year’s training? Will this be beneficial for me as well?

  • Yes, definitely! Marcus is building on the topics we discovered last year and there is lots more on the actual use and build of the music and the teaching so it will definitely be inspirational, especially if you’ve been teaching 4BEAT for a while!

    Have a chat with Lisa if you have more questions on the curriculum.

Weekend Schedule Overview:

Friday 28/3 8.30am-6pm

Saturday 29/3 8.30am-6pm

Sunday 30/3 8.30am-6pm


Full training: 14,500CZK

Full Training for PYC Teachers/Staff & Alumni: 12,900CZK

Add-On for Current 200HR TT Students: 10,000CZK

Detailed Weekend Schedule:

Friday 28/3

8.30am Meditation/Kriyas 

9-11am Practice & Pranayama 


11.30-12.30pm Workshop I

12.30- 13.30pm Workshop II


15.00-18.00pm Workshop III

Saturday 29/3

8.30am Meditation/4-Purifications

9-11am Practice & Pranayama 


11.30-12.30pm Workshop IV

12.30-13.30pm Workshop V


15.00-16.30pm Workshop VI 

16.30- 18.00pm Workshop VII

Sunday 30/3

8.30am Meditation/Kriyas 

9-11am Practice & Pranayama 


11.30-12.30pm Workshop VIII

12.30- 13.30pm Workshop IX


15.00-16.15pm Workshop X

16.30- 18.00 Closing

Who is Marcus Veda?

“I have a deep gratitude and respect to all my teachers past and present, not forgetting The Yoga People- Jamie and Dulce- for introducing me to the Rocket, and Larry Schultz up there for inventing it. Last but not least, salutes to the triumvirate of Phoenix, Claudius and new baby Lucius who have been throwing down some advanced yoga life-lessons since their magical births and throughout their reigns.

I always try to embrace the joyful rebel spirit of Rocket while keeping to the path of self-inquiry at it’s origin. It should be physically challenging, but the breath-focused moving meditation of the “4-Beat” is the true core of the practice.

My DJ mixes play an integral role in every class. The soundtracks are specially curated to lay down the tempo of the synchronous breath, bass and movement following the arc of the sequence and controlling the flow.

I remember what it was like to not feel flexible enough for yoga as that’s where I started (and how I still wake up most mornings) so for any yoga doubters, I always like to reiterate: this is what should get you onto a mat, not what keeps you off it. Bend with strength, don’t break from lack of it.”

More info on Marcus here:

Instagram @goodlordveda |

Ready for this? Sign up here:

Your reservation is secure when you pay in cash the studio or send your full payment to:

Komercni Banka
Prague Yoga Collective, Sro.


IBAN: CZ25 0100 0001 2382 7422 0277


Or use our PayPal (4% Surcharge Applies):

Do you have other questions or thoughts?

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to us when you see us, or to contact us at: